rheumatoid arthritis


rheumatoid arthritis

• Symptoms and reasons

• Diagnostics and remedy

• Doctors and departments

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Arthritis is a persistent inflammatory situation that can affect extra than just your joints. In some human beings, this condition can damage various frame systems, including skin, eyes, and lungs.

An autoimmune ailment, arthritis, occurs when your immune device improperly assaults matters.

Unlike osteoarthritis because of putting on and tear, rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of the joints, causing a painful swelling that can subsequently cause bone erosion and joint deformation.

The inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can damage other components of the frame. Más información 

Goods and services

• Book: Mayo Clinic for Edema

Signs and signs of rheumatoid arthritis may additionally consist of:

• Tender, heat, swollen joints.

• Joint stiffness commonly increases inside the morning and after the state of no activity.

• Fatigue, fever, and damage of urge for food. 

Early rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect the lesser joints, specifically the joints that attach the arms to the palms and the toes to the feet.

Más información In most cases, symptoms occurs inside the same joints on both sides of the frame.

About forty% of people with rheumatoid arthritis additionally revel in symptoms and signs no longer associated with self. Areas that may be affected include:

• Leather

• Eyes

• Lungs

• Heart

• Kidneys

• Salivary glands

• Nerve tissue

• Bone marrow

• Blood vessel

Signs and signs of rheumatoid arthritis can vary in severity and even look. Periods of increased disease activity, called flare-ups, change with intervals of relative remission, while swelling and ache to disappear or disappear. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis can cause joint deformation and displacement.

When to see a physician

See your physician if you have persistent pain or swelling in your joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

More records

• Rheumatoid Arthritis: Does Pregnancy Affect Symptoms?

Make an Appointment at Mayo Clinic


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Typically, your immune machine helps shield your frame from infections and sickness. In rheumatoid arthritis, your immune gadget assaults healthy joint tissue. It can also motive issues with the heart, lungs, nerves, eyes, pores, and skin.

Doctors do not know what triggers this manner, even though a genetic factor is possible. Although your genes do not cause reason rheumatoid arthritis, they can boom the likelihood of reacting to environmental elements that may reason disease, consisting of contamination with certain viruses and microorganisms. 

Risk factors

Factors that can boom your chance of rheumatoid arthritis encompass:

• What's your gender. Women are much more likely than men to expand  arthritis.

• Age.  arthritis can happen at any age, but most customarily, it starts in middle age.

• Family history. If a family member has arthritis, you will be in an accelerated danger of knocking.

• Smoking. Smoking cigarettes increases your danger of developing rheumatoid arthritis, specifically if you have a genetic predisposition to developing the ailment. Smoking also seems to be related to different sickness severity.

• Excess weight. Overweight humans are at a slightly greater danger of growing rheumatoid arthritis.


Rheumatoid arthritis will increase the chance of developing:

• Osteoporosis. By itself, rheumatoid arthritis, along with a few capsules used for treating sufferers for treating patients for treating sufferers for treating sufferers for treating patients for treating wounds. This circumstance weakens your bones and makes them greater liable to fractures.

• Rheumatoid nodules. These hard bumps most customarily form round stress factors, including the elbows. However, those nodules can form everywhere within the frame, which includes the coronary heart and lungs.

• Dry eyes and mouth. People with arthritis are much more likely to broaden Sjogren's syndrome, a sickness wherein moisture in the eyes and mouth decreases.

• Infections. Rheumatoid arthritis and lots of medicinal drugs used to combat it may weaken and may weaken imsunemim. Protect yourself with vaccinations to prevent illnesses which include influenza, pneumonia viii.

• Abnormal frame composition. The ratio of fat to lean form is frequently higher in humans with rheumatoid arthritis, even in humans with noid arthritis, even in people, with noise.

• Carpal tunnel syndrome. If rheumatoid arthritis influences your wrists, the inflammation can compress the nerve that is within the wrist.

• Problems with the ser

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